Policy-making for green technology in Rwanda

9 July 2023

The government of Rwanda has implemented several policies to promote and support the implementation of green technology. These policies aim to create an enabling environment for sustainable development and the adoption of environmentally friendly practices. Here are some key policies:

  1. National Environment and Climate Change Policy: This policy provides a strategic framework for environmental conservation and climate change mitigation, emphasizing sustainable development and natural resource management.
  2. Renewable Energy Policy: The policy promotes the development and use of renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, hydro, and biomass energy, to diversify Rwanda’s energy mix and reduce reliance on fossil fuels.
  3. Energy Efficiency and Conservation Policy: This policy encourages energy efficiency measures and the adoption of energy-efficient technologies to reduce energy demand and promote sustainable energy use.
  4. National Green Growth and Climate Resilience Strategy: It outlines Rwanda’s long-term vision for green growth, integrating economic development objectives with climate change mitigation and adaptation measures.
  5. Sustainable Land Management Policy: This policy focuses on sustainable land use practices, soil conservation, and agroforestry techniques to enhance land productivity while minimizing environmental degradation.
  6. E-Waste Management Policy: It addresses the safe disposal, recycling, and reuse of electronic waste to minimize its environmental impact and promote responsible e-waste management.
  7. National Environment Fund (FONERWA): FONERWA is a dedicated fund that provides financial support for environmental and climate change projects, including green technology initiatives.
  8. Green Building Guidelines: These guidelines promote sustainable and energy-efficient building practices, including the use of renewable energy systems, water conservation measures, and environmentally friendly materials.
  9. Carbon Pricing: Rwanda has introduced a carbon pricing mechanism that incentivizes emissions reduction and promotes the adoption of low-carbon technologies.
  10. National Forestry Policy: This policy focuses on forest conservation, reforestation, and sustainable forest management to protect and restore Rwanda’s forest ecosystems.
  11. Wetland Conservation and Management Policy: It aims to preserve and manage wetland ecosystems for their ecological value, ensuring their sustainable use and protection.
  12. Green Industry Development Strategy: The strategy promotes sustainable industrial practices, resource efficiency, and clean production methods to reduce environmental impacts.
  13. National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan: It safeguards biodiversity and promotes the sustainable use of natural resources, including the protection of ecosystems and endangered species.
  14. Climate Change and Environment Education Policy: This policy integrates climate change and environmental education into the national curriculum to foster awareness and promote sustainable practices among Rwandan citizens.
  15. Green Financing Initiatives: These initiatives encourage financial institutions to provide favorable financing options for green projects, facilitating access to capital for green technology initiatives.
  16. Technology Transfer and Capacity Building Programs: Rwanda promotes technology transfer and provides capacity-building programs to enhance knowledge and skills in green technology adoption and implementation.
  17. Public-Private Partnerships: The government fosters collaboration between the public and private sectors to implement green technology projects and leverage expertise and resources.
  18. Research and Innovation Support: Rwanda supports research and development in green technology and innovation through funding, grants, and other forms of support.
  19. Tax Exemption for Importing Green Technology Equipment: The government offers tax exemptions or reductions to incentivize the importation of green technology equipment, making it more affordable and accessible.
  20. International Cooperation and Commitments: Rwanda collaborates with international partners and participates in global initiatives to address climate change and promote sustainable development.


These policies, among others, provide a framework for the implementation of green technology in Rwanda. They include incentives, regulations, and support mechanisms to encourage investments, promote research and development, and foster partnerships between the government, private sector, and international stakeholders. Through these policies, Rwanda aims to create a sustainable and resilient future while achieving its development goals.

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